Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Understanding Gynecological Cancers : Symptoms, Risk Factors and Prevention
Gynecological cancers are a group of cancers that affect the female reproductive system and can be a scary and overwhelming topic to think about. The good news is that with early detection and proper treatment, gynecological cancers can be managed and even prevented. The purpose of this article is to discuss the symptoms, risk factors,…
Frequent urination during pregnancy
During pregnancy, about 20% of women experience frequent urination, which is when they have to urinate (wee) more frequently than usual. Due to the hormonal and physical changes that pregnant women experience, they need to use the bathroom more frequently than normal as their bodies are undergoing changes. There are three organs in your abdomen,…
How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
During pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles serve as a support for the fetus. These muscles experience quite a lot of stress during this time and stretch as a result. One of the proven best ways to get your pelvic floor muscles back to their pre-pregnancy state is doing Kegel exercises, also known as Kegels. To…
Ways to fight stress: Deep breathing as a relaxation technique
One of the easiest ways to reverse the body’s stress response is deep breathing. You can practice this technique anywhere: at home, at work, and even on public transit. Doing this exercise for 5 to 30 minutes can make you feel better. Here’s a quick and easy breathing technique: Sit up straight, close your eyes,…
How to manage stress with meditation
An effective way of dealing with stress is to learn how to reverse the body’s stress response. Meditation can be helpful. It might involve noticing thoughts, but not acting on them, allowing you to break free from your usual patterns. Alternatively, some practices include concentrating on one thing, which shifts your attention from things that…
How to increase your tolerance to stress
Though stress is often hard to handle, it’s still possible to increase your tolerance to it. The solution isn’t necessarily easy, but here are some of the factors that increase one’s ability to buffer the impact of stress: Social support Having people you can trust or rely on to talk things through. Self-confidence Feeling you…
How Doctors Speed Up Childbirth
The exact type of labor induction used depends on the specific conditions occurring during labor. Even though the procedure has certain risks and limitations, there are usually no consequences for the mother and the baby. However, labor induction is performed only if there are medical indications that make it necessary. These indications may be a…
Can you have a wet dream if you don’t orgasm when you’re awake?
Yes! It’s completely possible to have an orgasm during sleep even if you’ve never had one while you’re awake. In fact, it’s often easier to orgasm during a sexy dream. A lot of the factors that make it hard to climax — stress, anxiety, negative feelings around sex — go out the window during a…
6 tips to prevent a yeast infection
Yeast infection is a common medical condition. According to statistics, 75% of women get one at least once in their lifetime. It is very important to avoid self-diagnosing and self-medicating. In the event of any suspicious symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Yeast infections can be uncomfortable and annoying. They are also ubiquitous, especially among…
Vaginal Odor: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Vaginal odor can be caused by a number of factors. Common causes include bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, and trichomoniasis. If you notice a vaginal odor that is not associated with any symptoms, you should consult your doctor for a professional diagnosis and treatment. The best way to cure vaginal odor is to prevent it in…
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