Early Signs of Pregnancy - What to Expect and How to Know

Early Signs of Pregnancy – What to Expect and How to Know

If you’re expecting a baby, you know how much you want to keep your pregnancy under wraps. But sometimes it’s impossible to hide the signs of pregnancy — or even the results of a test. That’s why it’s so important to know what your early signs of pregnancy are so that you can tell your doctor if something is wrong and get the help you need.

Your early signs of pregnancy are physical changes that happen before you even know you’re pregnant. These can include:

Changes in your period

If you’re not having a normal period, you may notice changes in how heavy or light it is, and how long it lasts. You may also have more or less bleeding than usual. If this happens, talk to your doctor to see if you need a pregnancy test or another test to confirm the pregnancy.

Changes in your breasts

Your breasts might start growing before your period starts — as early as eight weeks after conception — and they might get larger than usual while they’re pregnant.

Changes in how tired or energetic you feel

Pregnancy hormones can make it seem like pregnancy makes you more tired than usual or less energized than usual, even when nothing has changed in the outside world — like more work or other responsibilities at home or work. If this happens to you, tell your doctor so that he or she can help figure out if it’s normal for the changes in energy levels and stress tolerance that happen when you’re pregnant.

Feeling strange or sick

Early pregnancy is a time when you might feel sick or tired, so don’t be surprised if you’re not feeling your best during this period. Some signs of pregnancy may include: Feeling a lot of pressure in your stomach; feeling off-balance, like you can’t stand still for too long; throwing up (or not being able to keep anything down); nausea and/or vomiting (that lasts more than a few hours); bleeding between periods; having to go to the bathroom more often than usual; getting headaches that last more than a few days at a time; or feeling dizzy, lightheaded, fatigued or stressed out — even if there’s no change in what you do every day outside of the bedroom. If these signs are normal for you — no matter how early they start — talk with your doctor about whether they could be early signs of pregnancy.

Changes in your morning and/or nighttime bladder control

If your nighttime and/or morning bladder control is changing, talk with your doctor about the symptoms and if they’re normal for you or could be a sign of pregnancy.

Changes in the way you eat

If your appetite or eating habits change, it’s normal — especially if you start eating more often or drinking more liquids than usual. Talk with your doctor about any changes that concern you because they may signal early pregnancy signs.

Changes in mood and behavior

Your hormones are changing — affecting your mood, behavior, and even sleep patterns — which can lead to changes in how you behave at home, at work, or even around other people. Early pregnancy makes it easier for women to deal with stress because of all these changes — like having their period stop abruptly or getting a baby bump on their stomach where they never had one before! But this time doesn’t have to feel good to feel normal — so don’t be surprised if you’re not feeling your best during early pregnancy.

Changes in what it feels like to have sex

As with any physical changes you might notice during this period, it’s normal to notice that something is different about having sex — especially when you first start to think about or plan for having sex after months of not doing so. You may feel stronger, more relaxed, or more sensitive than usual. While these changes can make for a good time, it’s important that they are normal for you and don’t become a problem or concern for your health or well-being because they could be signs of early pregnancy. Talk with your doctor if these changes are making things feel different in the bedroom — even if they seem normal at the time.

Feeling like something is “growing on you”

Because the baby grows inside your body, things might start “growing on you” from all sorts of places on your body. For some women, this may mean that a little bit of breast tissue starts to “pop up” on their chest, or that their breasts get heavier than usual. It could also mean they start seeing a bump or dimple on their stomach area. So if you notice anything like this — and it doesn’t worry you — talk with your doctor about whether these changes are normal early pregnancy signs.

These symptoms aren’t always easy to recognize, and in most cases, women won’t feel them right away. As the baby grows and develops inside your uterus, early pregnancy signs can creep up on you in one way or another — often when you least expect it! Be sure to let your doctor know if you think something is happening even before any of the above symptoms start (or around six weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period).

 If all those things are normal for you…you’re pregnant!

It’s really that simple — if you’re having any of the early pregnancy signs, you’re pregnant. You don’t need to know your exact due date to be pregnant! If you suspect that your period is going to start any time soon, make sure to tell your doctor right away. There are some things that might happen around early pregnancy (and there are some reasons why these changes might be happening) so it’s best for you and your doctor to know if anything comes up so it can be addressed before too much time passes.


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